Author: believersupdate

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A watchman doesn’t just see and observe or hear. A watchman blows the trumpet. The watchman sounds the note: the enemy is approaching! or the enemy has slipped in!In history, the watchman on the walls carried with him the safety of the entire city. The city could sleep at night knowing the watchman was on the wall. If they, with the uniqueness of their sight and hearing, noticed that the enemy was creeping up to the wall, they could blow the trumpet, or the Scripture in Joel says, “lift up the ram’s horn” and let the sound go out and…

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A spiritual watchman is one who has been uniquely equipped by God to see. In Matthew 13 God says that every believer has been given eyes to see and ears to hear. But a watchman has to be equipped by God to see what others do not see and he has a unique capacity to see when the enemy is invading. The enemy comes disguised, but a spiritual watchman is very alert and blows the trumpet and gives a sound so that family members can be quickly warned and not destroyed. Or he may be given spiritual eyes to see…

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Christianity’s idea of predestination holds that God has already made up his mind about people he wants to save from the beginning. Predestination differs from both determinism and fatalism in modern usage and is open to moral choice on the part of humans, but the theory also teaches that salvation is wholly the result of God’s predetermined everlasting will. The topic of predestination is fundamentally as universal as religion itself, but Christian theology has given it particular prominence due to the New Testament’s emphasis on the divine plan of redemption.

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Littered across the pages of the Acts of the Apostles are the accurate function of a local church. The church must thrive if She  knows the accurate way to function. ‘Sit thou at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool’… This Powerful statement by God is another responsibility of the Church. God is not gig to have any of His plans and purpose executed without His church. The Church of God is His strategy to reign on the Earth. The local church will be used b God to do tremendous things if she follow God adequately. Apostle…

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